There are many factors to consider when moving off campus and buying property in Raleigh.
Why should I use a buyer’s agent?
A buyer’s agent protects your interests and represents only you in the transaction. Plus, a buyer’s agent doesn’t cost you any money; a buyer’s agent’s commission is paid by the seller.
If we need housing beginning in August, when should we start looking?
You should plan on a minimum of 30 days from the time of an offer to the closing on a property. The Raleigh real estate market is very competitive right now and it could take longer to find the right property and get an offer accepted. Call me and we can look at the different options on the market and get an idea of what you may be interested in.
How much of a down payment do I need?
You’ll need a 3.5% down payment if you qualify for an FHA loan, but you could need up to a 20% down payment. A lender can offer advice based on your unique circumstances.
How much are closing costs?
Closing costs typically are less than $5,000. It’s also possible during negotiations to have the seller pay some or all of the closing costs.
How will my student get to and from campus?
The Wolfline, N.C. State’s free campus bus system, has 10 weekday routes, three weekend routes, and serves three park-and-ride lots.
N.C. State students can also ride the local and regional buses free of charge.
There are carpooling programs and bicycle programs.