Yep, it snowed in Raleigh.  The most snow we’ve had in years, actually. We only had a few inches, but it’s been a couple of years since we’ve had more than a trace.
It was beautiful, too. So clean and pretty and made everything so quiet.
Quiet because snow does that, and quiet because our city shuts down when it snows. See, we don’t want to spend our tax dollars on very many snowplows or snow equipment that we’ll need only a few times each decade. We prefer to shut down our schools and slow down our pace when we get a snow that sticks. Kind of charming, actually. Although a lot of the charm wore off for a lot of the people around here after schools were shuttered for three consecutive days.
Oh, but the next time those kids are home because of snow may be several years away. Enjoy it now.
That’s Life in Raleigh.