It’s summer in North Carolina, and it’s hot! Here are a few things you can do to help keep your home cooler during these sultry days.
Are You Ready for Hurricane Season?
Now that hurricane season has officially started, it’s always a good idea to be prepared when you live in North Carolina. Here is a checklist that can help before a storm hits.
- Trim the limbs in your yard.
- Clean your gutters.
- If you have a chainsaw, make sure it is in working order.
- Buy a manual can opener.
- Buy a battery-operated radio.
- Take digital pictures and/or video of your home and store them in “the cloud.”
- This is not the season for a well-stocked freezer!
If there is a storm brewing in the tropics, take these steps:
- Stock up on non-perishable food.
- Stock up on bottled water. 3 gallons per person per day for a minimum of 3 days is the standard recommendation.
- Stock up on toilet paper.
- Stock up on things your children need.
- Collect things your pets need, i.e., food, water, leashes, carriers, shot records.
- Refill any medications.
- Buy batteries.
- Do your laundry. May sound silly, but you’ll be grateful for clean clothes if you’re without power for an extended period.
- Keep your gas tank full.
- Make sure your gas grill bottle is full or you have plenty of charcoal, lighter, and matches.
If it looks like a tropical system may hit our area:
- Put away any loose items in your yard, such as chairs, etc.
- Stockpile and/or buy ice.
- Make sure you have cash on hand.
- Collect important papers–insurance, etc.–together in an airtight plastic bag.
- Check to see if your neighbors need assistance with preparation.
Remodeling? Shop First at the Habitat for Humanity Restore
Raleigh’s Habitat for Humanity Restore still seems to be a bit of a secret most days.  But there are some days when it’s very crowded and there’s a long line at the checkout with shoppers waiting to pay for things I wish I had discovered first.
The inventory changes daily, so I personally like to shop there several times a week, often leaving empty-handed, but frequently hauling home treasures that add to the beauty and value of my own home.
You can buy new and gently used building materials, home appliances, furniture, light fixtures, cabinetry, flooring, ceiling fans, doors, windows, tile, hinges, doorknobs, windows, all at a fraction of the retail price. Â Shopping at a Habitat Restore is rewarding when you happen upon a bargain, but it’s also satisfying knowing that your purchase supports the Habitat for Humanity mission of helping people find decent places to live.
Take a peek at what the Habitat Restore on Raleigh Boulevard has to offer:
Preparing Your Home for Record-Breaking Cold
With record-breaking temperatures forecast for our area, here are two things you can do yourself to help avoid problems in cold weather.
Stay warm!